Sean Kim
pdf versionRutgers student with experience building optimized NLP models and scalable, real-time web applications and services.
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
B.A. Computer Science
Sep 2022 - May 2026
- GPA: 3.88
- Dean's List: 2022-2024
- Coursework: DSA, Deep Learning, Databases, Data Management, Computer Architecture
Full-Stack Developer Intern
ACL Agency LLC
May 2024 - Aug 2024
- Rebuilt company website with SvelteKit, adding SEO-friendly Korean language support with SSR which boosted site traffic by 30% and conversion rate by 25%, increasing market presence in the local community.
- Optimized an internal Go service with goroutines, achieving a 42% increase in insurance claims processing speed on over 500 concurrent OCR and file compression tasks.
- Deployed service on AWS EC2 with Nginx for SSL termination and whitelisting using Docker Compose.
Python, spaCy, Flask, Nginx, Docker, AWS EC2, SvelteKit, Firebase
- Led a team of 3 to develop a grammar-checking library with spaCy featuring a CoNLL-U corpus augmentor that improved processing speeds on OntoNotes 5.0 by over 10x with parallel and concurrent processing.
- Built a prepackaged English model by training a dependency parser (93% LAS) and POS tagger (98% accuracy) on an augmented GUM corpus, checking over 20 grammar errors with 83% accuracy.
- Constructed a Flask API endpoint with Gunicorn to serve the model with 15ms average prediction times.
- Deployed the endpoint behind an Nginx reverse proxy for SSL termination and rate limiting on AWS EC2 using Docker Compose, handling over 500 concurrent requests with under 50ms average response times.
- Created a SvelteKit site for library documentation and API guides, deployed on Firebase Hosting.
Go, TypeScript, Node.js, Next.js, OAuth2, Docker, GCP, Vercel
- Deployed a Next.js collaborative note editor on Vercel, leveraging server components to securely proxy over 50,000 daily requests, shielding sensitive payloads from clients with less than 50ms latency.
- Implemented Yjs real-time collaboration using a Node.js WebSockets server deployed as a Docker container on Google Cloud Run, handling over 1000 concurrent note edits with 100% consistency between clients.
- Built a horizontally-scaling Go backend Docker-packaged on Google Cloud Run to handle Firestore database operations for user data, note data, and granular access control with under 100ms cold starts.
- Secured all API endpoints using OAuth2 and JWT to enable safe access for 1000 daily active users.
Python, TS/JS, Go, Java, C, SQL, OCaml
NumPy, Pandas, PyTorch, OpenCV, spaCy, NLTK
Full-Stack Development
Nginx, Flask, Node.js, Express.js, React.js, Next.js, SvelteKit, Tailwind
Git, AWS EC2, GCP, Vercel, Docker